Our Donation Policy

Fields of Friends™, Inc. Donation Policy

Your generous contribution to Fields of Friends™, Inc. supports year-round programs and initiatives. As good stewards of your donations, we follow clear guidelines in processing your gifts.

Gift Policy Standards

All donations to Fields of Friends™, Inc. support the mission of providing quality year-round sports and community events geared toward creating a culture of inclusion and generosity that levels the playing field for each member of the community.

Fields of Friends™, Inc. works hard to ensure that every donation goes directly back into the program allowing for the greatest impact in your community.   Transparency of all donations is important us.  We communicate with our  supporters, donors, and prospective donors by email, postal mail, phone, and other means, both to request contributions to our cause and to educate the public about our year round dedication to our community outreach programs, volunteer opportunities, and event opportunities.  As a nonprofit organization that is exempt from federal taxation, we ensure our donors’ money is spent as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Thank you for your generous gift to support Fields of Friends™, Inc.

Donation Refund Policy

For donations made using the donate.Fieldsoffriends.org, if you have made an error in making your donation or change your mind about contributing to Fields of Friends™, Inc, we will honor your request for a refund (minus fees incurred) made within 14 days of your donation.

To request a refund, please contact us either at 813-391-1057 or fieldsoffriends@yahoo.com.